LeSeDi doctoral program
Evidence-based support for reading and language in the classroom - digital and inclusive innovations
Project description: LeSeDi is a doctoral program that was submitted to the call for proposals "Educational innovation needs educational research" and is now being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research as one of nine doctoral programs. LeSeDi is intended to promote educational research and strengthen networking between the University Colleges of Teacher Education and the University. The aim of LeSeDi is to generate well-founded findings on the development of reading skills (orthographic knowledge and lexical reading) and their evidence-based promotion, taking multilingualism into account. Digital technologies are used for diagnostics, but also for the individualized development of reading skills and the differentiation of lessons. LeSeDi enables an effective transfer of research results into practice, uses open science practices and makes developed materials available. In the LeSeDi doctoral program are six projects that promote different stages of reading development. A dissertation is written in each of the six projects, supervised by researchers from the University of Graz and University Colleges of Teacher Education.

Project partners: University of Graz, Austria; University College of Teacher Education Styria, Austria; Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum, Austria
RCIE researchers: University of Graz: Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera (project leader); Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Timo Lüke; Assoc. Prof. Dipl. -Sprachwiss. Susanne Seifert, PhD; Ass.-Prof. Mag. Lisa Paleczek, PhD; Katharina Prinz, MSc BA; Andrea Kogler, B.A. MSc; Maximilian Barth, BA MSc, Lukas Hauser, BSc MSc; PHSt: HS-Prof. Mag. Dr. Konstanze Edtstadler, HS-Prof. PhD MSc Mag. Edvina Bešić (on leave), Prof. Mag. Elisabeth Herunter, Iris Knapp, BEd MA; PPH Augustinum: Prof. Mag. Dr. Martina Kalcher Bakk. MSc (on leave); Fabian Feyertag, BEd MEd
Duration: Autumn 2023 - Autumn 2026
Here you can find further information on the call for proposals "Educational innovation needs educational research".