Completed projects of the cooperating partners
Improving Assistance in Inclusive Educational Settings II (IMAS II)
Project description: As part of the Erasmus+ project IMAS II (October 2018 - March 2021) funded by the European Union, five web-based knowledge boxes on relevant topics from the everyday work of school assistants will be developed and evaluated in cooperation with nine partner organizations from six European countries and the active involvement of experienced school assistants and students with and without disabilities. This offers a training opportunity for school assistants and other educational staff, which aims to contribute to the expansion of knowledge and the promotion of inclusive competences in order to adequately prepare school assistants for their professional requirements in supporting students with disabilities.

Further information on the project
- News about the latest activities in the IMAS II project can be found in the April 2021 newsletter, the November 2020 newsletter is here.
- With the knowledge boxes in the IMAS II online course you will find tools on how you can best support children with disabilities from primary or secondary school in their learning and development. The knowledge boxes are available in 5 languages, you can find the link to the knowledge boxes here.
- Cooperation partners: University of Graz (project coordination), Chance B (Aut), Agency VISION (Bulgaria), ARCIL (Portugal), CES (Portugal), TENENET (Slovakia), University Trnava (Slovakia), CSIE (UK), EASPD (Belgium)
- Participating researchers from the University of Graz: Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera (project leader), Caroline Breyer, PhD MSc Bakk.phil., Julia Lederer, BA MSc.
Reaching the 'hard to reach'
Short description: As part of this Erasmus+ project, which involved universities and primary schools from five partner countries (England, Denmark, Portugal, Spain and Austria), materials were developed and ways explored to enable all children in a class to participate in lessons. The "Inclusive Inquiry" model, a model of teacher training, was used for lesson development, which enables pupils to actively participate in teaching processes.
- Researchers: Prof. Dr. Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera, University of Graz; Ass.-Prof. Lisa Paleczek, PhD, University of Graz; Prof. Edvina Bešić, PhD, PH Styria
- Duration: 2017 -2019
- Funded by the European Union: Erasmus+ project
- Weblink: FOPRO:
Profile IP - Profiling for inclusive education in the teacher training program
Short description: The aim of the research project was to identify the success factors for the profiling of inclusive education in teacher training courses and to identify structural, content-related, organizational and university didactic areas of tension that arise in the implementation of the curricula. The design pursued a multi-method approach and comprised quantitative and qualitative survey units over two academic years.
- Researchers at the University College of Teacher Education Styria: Prof. Dr. Andrea Holzinger, Prof. Silvia Kopp-Sixt MA, Prof. Dr. Gerda Kernbichler, Prof. Dr. Gonda Pickl, HS-Prof. Dr. Mathias Krammer
- Duration: 2017-2020
- Weblink Profile IP