Implement ICF
Implementing the International Classification of Functioning (ICF). Improving training and quality assurance processes of trans-sectoral support for persons with disability.
Project description: The Erasmus+ project "Implement ICF" within the Key Action KA2 "Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training" aims to introduce the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (WHO, 2001) as a common language in the diverse sectors of services and support measures for people with disabilities and thus improve the quality of support and the participation of all involved beneficiaries. Following this goal, the project focuses on the creation and development of a concrete "ICF implementation Guide" that will enable different institutions and actors in different fields - medical, health, social or educational field - to use the ICF in a structured way. The project and the project activities are being implemented cooperatively by ten institutions from Austria, Germany, North Macedonia and Turkey.

Project partners: Austria: University College of Teacher Education Styria, Social Innovation Network Dr. Pretis; North Macedonia: Association for Promotion of Education, Culture, and Sport - Education for All, Association of Special Educators and Rehabilitators of the Republic of North Macedonia, NGO Imago Plus, Macedonian Medical Association, Association for Children's and Young People's Rights Lastovica; Turkiye: Melek Academy Dudu Melek Sabuncuoglu, Özel Eğitimciler Derneği (ÖZDER); Germany: MSH Medical School Hamburg.
RCIE researchers: Mag. Katerina Todorova (till 31.8.2024 PHSt); Prof. Silvia Kopp-Sixt, BEd MA
Duration: 31.12.2022 - 30.12.2024