European quality development system for inclusive education and teacher training
About the EQui-T project
Project description: The three-year Teacher Academy project "EQui-T" (European quality development system for inclusive education and teacher training) aims to contribute to the quality improvement of inclusive education in the European context and is funded by the European Commission in the Erasmus+ Partnerships for Excellence programme with 1.5 million Euros. The focus is on the development and exchange of inclusive open educational resources, OIER (Open Inclusive Educational Resources). The project will develop a comprehensive, multi-perspective catalogue of criteria for assessing the quality of OIER for inclusive education, run courses for teachers in initial and in-service training on designing and testing innovative teaching materials in the form of OIER for (technology-supported) inclusive education, and identify and sustainably implement best dissemination practices of OIER. Another aim is to build a network of teachers and other stakeholders in the field of inclusive education at national and international level to promote transnational cooperation and exchange of good practices in identifying and using existing (high) quality digital tools and materials (e.g. OIER).

Project partners: University of Graz, Austria; University of Granada, Spain; University of Padua, Italy; Tallinn University, Estonia; University of South-East Norway, Norway; University College of Teacher Education Styria, Austria; Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum, Austria
RCIE researchers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera (overall coordination); Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Timo Lüke; Jessica Berger, BA MSc; Prof. Silvia Kopp-Sixt, BEd MA; HS-Prof. Mag. Edvina Bešić, MSc PhD; Prof. Dr. Martina Kalcher; Prof. Katharina Maitz, PhD MA BA BA; Annalisa La Face, Mag. Dott.ssa; Prof. Daniela Ender, MSc; HS-Prof. Caroline Breyer Bakk. MSc PhD
Duration: 15.06.2023-14.06.2026
Aims of the project:
Teachers and student teachers, as well as those involved in teacher education and training, should be supported in identifying, creating and sharing high-quality OIER. In this context, transnational cooperation and the transnational exchange of best practices for the dissemination of OIER will play a central role. In addition to the development of a set of criteria for assessing the quality of OIER and planning and implementing a training course for (prospective) teachers, the EQui-T project aims to establish a transnational network of teachers in the field of inclusive education to promote the national and international exchange of good practice.
EQui-T Kick-Off meeting in Graz!
On September 14th and 15th, the project consortium met for the first time in Graz for the official kick-off meeting. The project teams from the partner universities from across Europe - Spain (University of Granada), Norway (University of South-Eastern Norway), Italy (University of Padova) and Estonia (University of Tallinn) – as well as the teams from the two other Austrian consortium partners, the University College for Teacher Education Styria, and the Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum – were invited to University of Graz by project leader Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera and her team at the University of Graz.
During two intensive and productive days, the foundations for the successful implementation of the EQui-T project were built. All project partners took the opportunity to present their approaches to the work packages and to discuss them with the cooperation partners. This participatory approach should also characterise the cooperation in the further course of the project. The positive, appreciative, and motivated atmosphere of the kick-off meeting make us look forward to the next months and years of the project!
Here you can find a Min Bulletin about the Kick Off-Meeting.