Child’s Play!
Lightweight design for children and young adults made easy
Project description: The new "Child’s Play!" project was launched in May 2023 in cooperation with FH JOANNEUM. The project is funded by the FFG funding program Talente Regional 2022 and aims to encourage pupils in their curiosity and thirst for research. The aim of "Child’s Play!" is to introduce children and young people in third and sixth class to the topic of lightweight construction in an age-appropriate way, regardless of their origin, gender or educational background. So-called science workshops are planned and developed in which differentiated teaching materials are used. These are created together with teachers and researchers from FH JOANNEUM and the Inclusive Education Unit from University of Graz. In three science workshops, pupils from Graz and a Region of Styria learn what lightweight construction means, how lightweight construction works and how it is implemented. The students also have the opportunity to visit companies such as HAGE Sondermaschinenbau GmbH and carbon-solutions Hintsteiner GmbH, as well as the Automotive Testing Lab at FH JOANNEUM, with a special focus on female role models for a career in technology. After the end of the project, all materials will be made freely available for download.

Project partners: University of Graz, Austria; FH JOANNEUM - Institute of Automotive Engineering, Austria; HAGE Sondermaschinenbau GmbH, Austria; carbon-solutions Hintsteiner GmbH, Austria.
RCIE researchers: Ass.-Prof. Mag. Mestre Lisa Paleczek, PhD (project management); Andrea Kogler, MSc
Duration: 05/2023 - 04/2025
Here you can find more information about the call for proposals Talente regional 2022.