Current projects
Doctoral program LeSeDi
Child’s Play!
DigIDe 2.0
Implement ICF
Plan ICF
Other current projects
Evaluation of the allocation of special educational needs (SPF) in Austria
Inclusion-Friendly Classroom - INCLUDE with ICF
ASDEX - Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and EXperiments in science
Governance Inclusive Education - GovInEd - Conditions for success in governance processes for inclusion
RegiNaDiff - Regional, sustainable and differentiated in the classroom
Lubo LRS - Social-emotional learning for children with reading and spelling difficulties
DIGIVID - Education and Training of Digital Competences
HAND IN HAND - promoting social-emotional skills and diversity awareness
Digitalization and inclusive education (DigIn)
'Scratch Options!
In-DIG-developments - Inclusion through digital school development
Large Scale Assessment of educational standards data D416
Divided youth in the Austrian school system
Establishment of a research center for inclusive education